Evan Goldberg, longtime pal and writing partner of Seth Rogen (they wrote Superbad after bar mitzvah class) chats with Heeb about growing up a Canadian Jew, his new film Goon and his mother's latkes.
Lena Dunham, the writer, director and star of HBO's new series “Girls” took some time to talk with Heeb about her career, boobs and the word “the.” And she brought along Judd Apatow, the show's executive producer, to share his own feelings on such matters.
The full title of the tome is Jews and Booze: Becoming American in the Age of Prohibition, which might lead some would-be readers to visions of bootlegging Jewish gangsters. While Jewdar’s always happy to read that, this book offers a much broader and more interesting array of Semitic experiences.
NYC camera megastore B&H is under fire again for its dubious personnel practices. As a former employee writes, is there anything surprising about this?