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Vatican Plays the Jew Card

One might think that the Vatican, in the midst of a veritable Benetton ad of international pedophilia scandals, might be trying extra hard to avoid antagonizing anyone who isn't already pissed off at the crowd ...
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Chosen Comix: Graphic Novel Gift Guide

Anyone bored by the culture's current crop of coming-of-age stories and romantic comedy DVDs should consider graphic novels for their gift-giving needs. Comics aren't just for dorks anymore. Even hot chicks rea...
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Daily Links

50 Pictures of Pothead Girls Enjoying their Pot (Hail Mary Jane)Sex in an MRI (Yes But No But Yes) Man Cuts Off Penis to Spite His Parents (Failblog)Skydiving Fundraiser Goes Awry (Asylum) Make Your OwnBa...
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Jorg Haider: 1950-2008

On Rosh Hashana the year is inscribed, and on Yom Kippur, it is sealed. And while repentance, charity, and prayer may cancel the stern decree, there's no indication that Jorg Haider, Austria's premier post-war...
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Grand Old Party

For us, getting Gilbert Gottfried to share some of his material at one of our events required dinner and cab fare. But when the Friars Club threw a book party last night for the recently released More Old Jewis...