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_Cadillac Records_: The _Heeb_ Review

There is that old adage about blues having a baby and naming it "rock n' roll." If that baby was conceived in the South, it was born and raised in Chicago at Chess Records, headed by Polish- Jewish im...
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No One Is Loving This

The McNuggets were wet before you even got a chance to eat them. Keith Sweat is so turned on by these deep fried nasties that someone barely made a webpage at McDonald's to promote his dirty dreams. (Special, s...
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Nazi Art Heist Reversal

Yesterday in Berlin, two paintings were returned to the estate of a Jewish art dealer, forced by Nazis to sell off his entire collection in that period. Needling back a couple of pieces of art may seem like no ...
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Voice of Reason

Once upon a time,The Village Voice was more than just a place to find Asian hookers. Every now and then, however, it still manages to print something that matters, like the most recent issue's expose of the ass...
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The _Unkosher_ Meat Scandal

While the Rubashkin scandal continues to give kosher meat a bad name, Amy Winehouse's spouse Blake Fielder-Civil should serve as a cautionary tale to any NJG with a taste for treyf. Like Amy's mammele, we hope...
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Ancient Chinese Secret

Long before you had the munchies, played Grand Theft Auto to exhaustion and fell asleep spooning your bong, the Chinese were smoking killer green bud with their shamans and mummifying loved ones with the herb. ...
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…in my Pants

Leave it to our favorite SNL jewbag, Andy Samberg, to call attention to every guy's worst nightmare inthis highly inappropriate yet hilarious new digital short. Highlights include Justin Timberlake playing a j...
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Oh, Snap!

As you know, we got a lot of feedback about our Summer Issue Swimsuit Calendar shot by Gilles Bensimon. The calendar seemed to be a line in the sand for many of our readers who didn't buy its high-fallutin' int...
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Fun With Yiddish

Though the debate rages as to whether it contributed to the etymology of the phrase "tushy-shtupp," Yiddish, as far as I've been able to tell, is the funniest language out there.Thanks to blissful ig...

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