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First _Heeb_ Magazine, Next an Oscar?

Courtney Love isn't the only female badass to grace the pages of Heeb's Wasted Issue. Check out our interview with Melissa Leo. Though Leo hasn't been able to grab headlines with "anti-Semitic rants," she foun...
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Tamar Eisenman: The _Heeb_ Interview

Israeli songstress Tamar Eisenman is at the top of the new wave of musicians from the Holy Land breaking away from many of the musical genres for which the country is best known. Eisenman is already a pretty bi...
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_Heeb_ @ Sundance: Nicholas Kristof

Nicholas Kristof, two-time Pulitzer-winning Times columnist, wants us to care. And he knows what he's up against.The Sundance documentary Reporter follows Nick through life-risking trips in Afghanistan, Darfur ...
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Inside Beit T’Shuvah

Text by Malina SavalIt was a soul sickness that 26-year-old Noah Jashinski (top photo) says he was suffering from. It stemmed from a failed attempt at rock ‘n roll stardom after stints playing back-up for Sma...
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Polanski’s European Vacation Extended

A hearing on Roman Polanski's attempt to have his 1977 rape case dismissed, which would allow the director to return from his 32-year exile in France, was put on hold. Polanski's lawyer, who claimed the entire ...
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_Heeb_ @ Sundance: Sentimental Boys

500 Days of Summer, a post-modern love story, unfolds by juxtaposing the high and low points of a failed romance, constantly jumping back and forth in time. In a bit of a role reversal from traditional romantic...
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Breaking: Courtney Love NOT Anti-Semitic

We've heard it from bloggers, the Post and our readers—Courtney Love is anti-Semitic. Yeah, yeah, she made a crack about "Jew loan officers" and "Jew private banks," true. But one out of context comment does no...
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Last Licks

And so we have reached the end of the administration of the man many Jews consider "the best friend Israel ever had" in the White House. To recap for those who weren't paying attention, since then, Is...
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Is Beastiality the New Black?

As per last week's posting on Amazon reviewer Ari Brouillette, witty internet commentary is, in my (small and humble) opinion, the written word's most exciting unmined art form. That said, I've recently taken ...
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The Rest is Cream Cheese

Nevermind what the critics are saying. Allen Salkin's piece about Bernie Madoff's frat brothers in the Sunday Styles Section was not only a deft curve ball for the paper of record, but also--with the exception ...

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