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Hasids Gone Wild?

So the powers that be in the world of fashion--the New York Times--have declared that skirts for men are in, in, in! because Marc Jacobs and some guys in Paris have been sporting them of late.In a grand piece o...
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_Heeb_ Stortyelling Returns to L.A.

We're back at MBar with 7-minute Jewish stories by Eric Andre, Joshuah Bearman, Lisa Brenner, Brian Finkelstein, Noah Jashinski, Malina Saval and Laura Silverman. The event will be hosted by Marc Evan Jackson. ...
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Mildly Liking Leah

Last night, Hallmark brought to you its best effort at a modern Jewish love story. Loving Leah stars Lauren Ambrose, of _Six Feet Under_, who plays an Orthodox Jew forced to marry her dead husband's brother, pl...
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BREAKING NEWS: Brits Have Silly Vocab

To be sure, the reasons I heart the NYTare practically limitless, but there's one in particular that stands out: Theycan pretty much write about whatever the fuck they want, independent of relevance, timeliness...
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O’Dowd Report

George O'Dowd, AKA, Boy George, is the most popular new inmate at North London's Pentonville prison. The 80s popstar and anti-Kabbalist was moved to the same slammer where Amy Winehouse's Blake was sent. The he...
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Sweet Land of Liberty

Senator Boehner, House Minority Leader, suggests that we throw Gitmo detainees into San Francisco's national park, Alcatraz. According to Senator Boeher, "If liberals believe they ought to go, maybe we oug...
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_Heeb_ @ The Inauguration: A Recap

We couldn't pass up the opportunity to bear witness to #44 Barack Obama's big presidential weekend so here's a drive by of what went down in the newly sexy Washington, D.C. Yes, people are saying D.C. is sexy n...
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Jeffrey Ross: The Heeb Interview

I ran into the comedian Jeffrey Ross at a dinner for the Creative Coalition in D.C. at the restaurant Teatro Goldoni where he speculated that the Lincoln Bible was way holier than the Torah. Ross was there alon...
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_Heeb_ @ Sundance: A Recap

I just got backfrom Park Citylate last night. I'm f-ing exhausted and bleary-eyed, fo' shizzle, but I thought I owed you folks a recap of the fest. Here goes: Former Onion editor turned screenwriter Robert Sieg...

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