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Are you getting pangs of longing for the movie that was running on our site? Check out more episodes of _Getting Away With Murder_ "here": ...
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No Red Herring

This is "Queen Beatrix of Holland.": As Dutch tradition has it, she's the first to sample the Northern European nation's herring catch. This year, the catch be...
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A Cut Above The Rest

The "dropping circumcision rate": in the U.S. has made the news and has once again sparked debate over the age old question: Which do you p...
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RIP Gertel’s Bakery

"Gertel's Bakery": is "closing this Friday":, June 22nd. So hurry up and make your pilgrim...
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Pope of the Road

The Vatican has set forth the "Guidelines for the Pastoral Care of the Road," a "list": of dos and don'ts for the everyday motorist. The BBC News reports that, The d...
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Goodbye CBGBs, Hello vLES

If you haven't heard about this ridiculousness yet, check out _Vice_ Magazine's new site, the "Virtual Lower East Side": (vLES). As if Second Life weren't creepy enough, now you can sit at y...
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I’m Loving It

Here's a "special little ad": brought to my attention by _Heeb_'s British filet-o-fish-loving Creative Director. Hilarious advertising is just more reason why this ...
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Eugenics is For the Dogs

Dog eugenics is becoming huge in dog breeding and racing circles. "Says": the _New York Times_, it's "free of most of the ethical concerns......
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Last Minute Shopping

Still looking for a Father's Day gift? "_She's On Top: Erotic Stories of Female Dominance and Male Submission_": edited by "Rachel Kramer...
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Here, Piggy, Piggy

Frank Bruni, the _New York Times_' beloved (and "hated": restaurant critic "reveled in the fatty deliciousness that is pork":
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Clash of the Titans

In a moment of blind rage, eBay has "pulled its ads from Google": Apparently, the online auction site spends around $25 million a year advertising on Google, so t...