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Smells Like Teen Spirit

If you're seen "The Lives of Others": or "Good Bye Lenin": or if you've ever read a history book, you'll know that the "Sta...
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Camp Heebaquonk

In _Heeb_'s latest "video project":, Nathan Phillips stars as "Don," the head counselor at "Camp Heebaquonk":, an all-girls summ...
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Matchmaker, Matchmaker

Today, Slate's "Ad Report Card": discusses online dating. Everyone is aware that is Christian-flavored (the friendly founder who appears in their ads, Dr. Warren, is ...
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The Farfour Declaration

It's with great sadness that I announce the "death of Farfour":, Hamas' version of Mickey Mouse. It seems that the "previously blogged about":h...
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Weekly Learning

In honor of the release of the much-anticipated "iPhone": (hailed as a revolutionary gadget that will change the face of electronics), this week's roundup pays homage to all the thin...
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If you loved _Knocked Up_ (which, obviously, "we did":, "here's": a little bonus footage, courtesy of, the the website...
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According to "_Science Daily,_": British scientists have found that ham and cheese improves childre...
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I’ll Bury Paul

While as a rule, what goes on in Jewdar's home stays in Jewdar's home, the missus and I have had a contretemps and now, as per the rules of reality TV, leave it up to you, the audience, to decide the outcome. I...
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Black and White

Who needs diversity? "Certainly not public schools.":
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Paris Ad Nauseam

Is Lindsay Lohan going to "play Paris Hilton on screen": But wait, let's rewind... there's going to be a Paris Hilton biopic??...