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10 Jews More Contemptible Than Bernard Madoff

It's no secret that I'm big supporter of Bernie Madoff. I think the silver-haired shylock is being used as a scapegoat by people who refuse to accept responsibility for their own financial incompetence. Also, h...
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Daily Links

50 Pictures of Pothead Girls Enjoying their Pot (Hail Mary Jane)Sex in an MRI (Yes But No But Yes) Man Cuts Off Penis to Spite His Parents (Failblog)Skydiving Fundraiser Goes Awry (Asylum) Make Your OwnBa...
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Although we at Heeb demonstrate our love for the panoplies of mosaics of rainbows that is New York-area Ashkenazi Jewry (plus that one Persian girl with the adorable English accent), our detractors often label us "self-hating." The truth is, however, that we are inordinately and completely irrationally fond of ourselves. But that doesn't mean that we feel the same about all our fellow tribesmen and women. Below are some of the Jews from past and present who we absolutely love to hate.
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(video after the jump) Don't bother complaining to Sunda Croonquist about your obnoxious mother-in-law, because she's got you beat. The comedian's mother-in-law, Ruth Zafrin, is suing Croonquist over jokes in h...
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Ladino Meets Tropicalia

We may have stumbled upon the best tour of the fall - Brazilian psychedelic legends Os Mutantes (their brand new album, Haih or Amortecedor is out Sept. 8th on Anti- Records) are hitting the road with DeLeon t...

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