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Call Your Mother…

She may be at this:Urban Cougar Road Rave in Daley Plaza, Chicago"An intermediate-to advanced-level in-line skate for ladies on the prowl visits sites home to wild animals and spots where older women can ...
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Brains Over Braun

What do Heeb Magazine and American Idol have in common? Neither do extensive background checks. Case in point: last year's Heeb100 fashion honoree Apollo Braun. In a horiffic incident in Union Square yesterday,...
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Orthodykes Movement

According to Haaretz, there's an Orthodox Lesbian scene developing in the Holy Land. Bat Kol is an organization of religious lesbian sisters doing it for themselves. This might seem fairly yawnwowthy to the a...
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Diamond Days: Day One

Diamond Days kicks off today with two shows in Oakland, CA: Mama Buzz Cafe, 6 p.m.2318 Telegraph Ave @23rd Street Mist and Mast Ben Becker Emily Jane White Ghost Town Gallery, 8 p.m. 2519 San Pablo Ave. Whal...
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Six-String For Sale

In September, the Fame Bureau in London is scheduled to auction off one of Jimi Hendrix's famed Fender Stratocasters, but it's kind of a surprise that it's only estimated to be worth around one million dollars....
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Feist Linked to Kermit

Thank blog for Youtube. For those of you who don't regularly watch Sesame Street as I do, you missed out on what is arguably the cutest music video ever. Canadian-songstress Feist guest stars and sings a slight...
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Ever eager to find the good in our fellow Yiddn, Jewdar has gone back and forth on the Satmar community. On the one hand, not a big fan of the whole rabidly anti-Israel schtick they've got going for them; on t...
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Diamond Days Hits Oakland

Our annual Diamond Days Fest begins on Thursday, July 17 at the Mama Buzz Cafe and the Ghost Town Gallery in Oakland, CA. We've been getting a ton of questions about the fest, so we figured we'd just include t...
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Calendar Gall

Some greasy "industry blogger" has been talking smack about (Miss Shvat) Donna Feldman, who plugged her appearance in our swimsuit calendar on Fox's Red Eye last week. We wouldn't be so offended if his own a...
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_Heeb_ Summer Gadget Review

David Martel has appeared on NBC 4's Your LA as well as Tom Green's live web show, however, we met him in a kiddie pool filled with gefilte fish at the _Heeb_ Olympics. After being hosed down, Dave impressed us...