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Gmail Down, World CRUMBLES TO ITS KNEES!!!

Yes, Gmail went down for one hour (or there abouts) today. And you what that means-- sheer PANIC. Check out this tidbit from the Dallas Morning News: Gmail is down for me and Victor. Major outage? 4:38 PM Mon,...
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Victoria Falls?

Don't know if you've been following this story, but Continental Airlines flight attendant Sharon Brown says that the diva antics of Victoria Osteen (wife of Megapastor Joel Osteen) on a flight to Vail, CO in 20...
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What Jeff Ross _Should_ Have Said about Bob Saget

Get this: Bob Saget is pissed because people made fun of him at the Comedy Central Roast of Bob Saget. Well, actually he's pissed because people made fun of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, who played his daughter o...
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Do I Look Fat In This?

Oh! those wacky scientists, always inventing things! Apparently, we are one step closer to the creation of an invisibility cloak. A freakin' invisibility cloak!Watch out Johnny Depp... 'cause I'm probably gonn...
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Hug it Out

The _Heeb_ Olympics aren't the only Olympic Games going on right now. In Beijing, two medal winners from the warring republics of Russia and Georgia had spectators oohing and ahhing when they embraced tenderly...
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Cohen Gadol

When Steve Cohen won a House seat in Memphis' Ninth Congressional District, it seemed more the result of a unique harmonic convergence than a sign of any future. In a field crowded with black candidates, Cohen...
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Deeply Fried

I know sometimes I say or do things around here that human resources isn't totally cool with, but why the Associated Press would even consider running such a profoundly racist story about inmate Tremayne Durham...
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Unexcused Tardiness

Not to be outdone by the community leaders trying to get Mike Myers to publicly apologize for his portrayal of Hinduism in The Love Guru, members of the American Association of People with Disabilties are compl...
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Pastry Porn

For those practicing pervs tiring from all the 2 Girls 1 Cup vids, have no fear: a new fetish video is taking the nation by storm. Without further ado, I give you cake farts. ...