Monotonix featured

Chosen Music: Monotonix

Ami Shalev of the Israeli band Monotonix sits down with Heeb to talk about the group's forthcoming album, death and being banned from playing in (most of) Israel.

Chosen: Crimes and Misdemeanors

An Israeli rabbi says gentile sperm makes "barbaric" children, ultra-Orthodox rabbis declare a convicted child rapist innocent and the most liberal Orthodox rabbinic group in the world refuses to admit women as members.

At Least Palin Didn’t Say “Holocaust”

Normally, a politician being targeted unjustly would use the accusation of “Mccarthyism” or “Witch-hunting,” but since neither of those is viewed as a negative by Palin’s base, she couldn’t really throw them around, which leaves good ol' anti-Jewish persecution.

Here She Is…And She’s Available.

Far be it for us to claim that Jews own the media (they actually have a time-share with gays), but Jewdar finds it a bit curious that 5 years after the pageant was dropped from ABC, it just so happens that ABC picks it up again the year there’s a Jewish contestant...
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Notorious J.A.P: The Persh

Our math teacher is mad hot, he looks like a coked-out surfer. Me and a couple of other cool girls are like, “Lol… Pythagorean theorem.”

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