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(video after the jump) Don't bother complaining to Sunda Croonquist about your obnoxious mother-in-law, because she's got you beat. The comedian's mother-in-law, Ruth Zafrin, is suing Croonquist over jokes in h...
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Ladino Meets Tropicalia

We may have stumbled upon the best tour of the fall - Brazilian psychedelic legends Os Mutantes (their brand new album, Haih or Amortecedor is out Sept. 8th on Anti- Records) are hitting the road with DeLeon t...
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Daily Links

Ode to aFart (Miss Cellania)  The Evolution of the Modern Blockbuster: Part 1 (L Magazine) The Top 20 Jewish Comedians of All-Time (Mental Floss) Save the Millionaires (Paranoid Larry) From The A...
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_Curb_ Appeal

(Video after the jump) After his foray into film with Woody Allen, Larry David is back at HBO (season 7 premieres September 7) milking the Curb series for it's last drop of neurotic goodness. The brilliant prom...
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Updated: Leave Bernie Alone!

Since his arrest for running a Ponzi scheme in December 2008, 70-year-old Bernard Madoff has suffered everything from death threats to small penis accusations. Well, it seems the stresses of being most the hat...
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_The 99_: New Muslim Superheroes Get TV Deal

Forget Wonder Woman and her whorish crime fighting bustier. This fall birka-wearing Batina the Hidden is hitting the British airwaves in The 99 and she has no time for S&M truth lassos and lascivious twirls...
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Bernie Madoff: Future Prison Bitch?

According to Madoff mistress Sheryl Weinstein's new book, Madoff's Other Secret: Sex, Money, Bernie, and Me, Mr. Ponzi himself is a "good kisser" but "not so well-endowed." Not the kind of i...
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Neo-Nazis Keep on Trucking

Two German losers are being charged for hanging a pig's head from the Star of David on the entrance gate at one Jewish cemetary and pouring pig's blood over a memorial plaque at another in eastern German city o...

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