Earlier this month, "_The New York Times_":http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F10E13FA3F540C708CDDAF0894DF404482 reported that "_Sammy and Kim_,":http://mog.com/Afficionado/blog_post/82374 the Sa...
...And if the mainstream news media has it hard, just how do you think independent publishers are doing? _Nymag.com_'s Intelligencer "somewhat gleefully writes":http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2007/06/save_dave_eg...
Heeb's critically acclaimed Storytelling series presents Jewish stories from an ever-changing crew of performers across the country. We now give you Heeb _Storytelling in its online incarnation. Check back here...
At last night's New York premiere of _A Mighty Heart_ Angelina Jolie's lawyer made all reporters sign an agreement stating that they would not ask any personal questions.
The _NY Times_ "reports":http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/14/business/media/14kellogg-web.html that The Kellogg Company announced today that it will phase out advertising its products to children under age 12 unl...
Is it possible that the "articulate and bright and clean":http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/01/31/biden.obama/index.html Barack Obama has already fallen off? The Illinois Senator was served a one-two combination...
I can't even begin to estimate how many people have asked me to introduce them to the Beastie Boys since we "interviewed and photo'd them back in 2003":http://www.heebmagazine.com/articles/view/43. One guy want...
On _Slate_ today, Christopher Hitchens "debates":http://www.slate.com/id/2168128/nav/tap3/ the ultimate question: Which is worse, Paris Hilton or the media? And brace yourself, Hitchens comes out in favor of th...
I would have loved to have interviewed "Richard Rorty":http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/rorty/ as our next "Honorary _Heeb_," but the great philosopher died Friday. Rorty was one of the first and greatest of t...
To all of my fans who have been desperately seeking sustenance from my customary _joie de vivresection_ of all things entertaining, I must apologize for my absence, but I have recently suffered the loss of a lo...
Gawker "decries":http://gawker.com/news/withdrawal-overdose/which-east-village-institution-is-the-next-bank-branch-268123.php the loss of East Village institutions to a wave of corporate bank openings. But how ...
Just checked out the New York Times "latest story on gays in the military.":http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/08/us/politics/08gays.html?_r=1&oref=slogin In it, Hillary Clinton complains about the army's decision ...