If your Netflix queue is getting shallow, look to "The American Film Institute":http://www.afi.com/ for their recently revamped list of "the top 100 movies of all time":http://nwitimes.com/articles/2007/06/24/e...
Gawker "reports":http://gawker.com/news/the-queen-of-all-media/perez-hiltons-book-proposal-272024.php that shock-blogger "Perez Hilton":http://www.perezhilton.com is writing a book: _Bloggywood_. He'll be worki...
Today's _New York Times_ "trumpets":http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/25/business/media/25lampoon.html?_r=1&8dpc&oref=slogin the rebirth of "National Lampoon":http://nationallampoon.com/, the brand responsible for...
Finally, there's a vending machine designed for the "on-the-go potato knish lover":http://www.jewishpress.com/page.do/21939/New_Kosher_Vending_Venture.html. If you want your landlord or law firm to have one of ...
Looks like director Bryan Singer and United Artists are putting together a "biopic":http://imdb.com/title/tt0985699/ with a cast of "well-revered thespians who don't get crapped on by their respective character...
*Our Krum*
We've loved David Krumholtz for years, not just for his stellar work in films like _Ten Things I Hate About You_, but also because with his nose and name, he's living proof that you don't need to fa...
With old-school standbys like _The Real World_ and _Road Rules_ and next generation iterations like _The Hills_ and _Engaged & Underaged_, reality television has always been MTV's bread and butter. But mayb...
To enter the lair of Noah Lyon is to walk into a world where Day-Glo paint holds court, and an endless stream of buttons, stickers and photocopies flow freely. You are immediately engulfed in Lyon's bedroom-tur...