David Duchovny’s Fictional Jewish Pig Will Bring Peace To The Middle East RSS July 11, 2014 Books, Culture Duchovny's "Holy Cow: A Modern-Day Dairy Tale" Sounds Completely Bonkers In All The Right Ways
RIP Paul Mazursky (1930-2014). Here He Is Talking About Jews In Space With Leonard Nimoy RSS July 1, 2014 Culture, Film Legendary director, actor, and writer, Paul Mazursky died today at the age of 84. Here's one of our all-time favorite Mazursky moments.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Ass-kicking Hobby Lobby Dissent Put To Music Is Amazing RSS June 30, 2014 Music, Religion Justice Ginsburg should quit the bench and take her songwriting skills on the road!
Texas Gov. Rick Perry: “I’m More Jewish Than You Think I Am“ RSS June 17, 2014 Culture, Politics 2 Lonestar Governor Rick Perry says he's "More Jewish Than You Think" to a guy named "Leibovich"
RUSH’s Geddy Lee Receives Honorary Doctorate, Really Loves His Mom RSS June 13, 2014 Music Doctor Geddy Lee is one of the biggest rock stars in the world. It turns out he's also a big mensch
Now Hear This: Gilbert Gottfried’s “Amazing Colossal Podcast” RSS June 2, 2014 Culture, Internet Gilbert Gottfried's new "Amazing Colossal Podcast" launched this week - A must-listen for fans of comedy, and lovers of showbiz.
Throwback Thursday: The Cartoon That Won Mel Brooks An Oscar RSS May 29, 2014 Comedy, Culture, Film "It must be some symbolism. I think it's symbolic of junk"
Of Course Macklemore Isn’t An Anti-Semite (C’mon!) RSS May 21, 2014 Culture, Music The "Is Macklemore Antisemitic" controversy is silly. Here's why.
Mars – Home to Little Green Men(sch?) RSS May 14, 2014 Religion, Shtick After Pope Francis' surprising extra-terrestrial admission, is it time for the Jewish community to step up?
Hot New Drinking Game: Jews vs. Nazis! RSS May 9, 2014 News, Shtick A group of Florida high schoolers are in hot water after their Holocaust-y twist on beer pong went viral.
The Jewish Answer Adam Silver Didn’t Give At His Donald Sterling Presser RSS April 30, 2014 Comedy, sports Think Adam Silver was a little too restrained at his Donald Sterling press conference? Think he could have answered that "Jew" question a little more pointedly? So does comedian Eric Schwartz...
That “Jew” Question At Adam Silver’s Donald Sterling Press Conference RSS April 29, 2014 sports 2 Jew feels Jewishly about other Jew! (Or does he?)