Our New Favorite Coachella Band RSS April 23, 2013 Music, TV 1 Just because they're fictional doesn't mean we can't love "Dr. Schlomo and the GI Clinic"
A Sexual “How-To” For Jerusalem’s Ultra-Orthodox Jews RSS April 23, 2013 Books, Culture, Religion 6 "The Newlywed's Guide To Physical Intimacy" may not be the most scintillating title, but in parts of the Ultra Orthodox Jewish community, it's a must-read.
Orthodox Rabbi Goes All Draco Malfoy On Blood Donations RSS April 22, 2013 Religion 2 A new book does its best to explain why Orthodox Jews can't accept blood donations from non-Orthodox Jews (Hint: it involves eating insects)
A “Shmutzy Tuchus” Pick-Me-Up RSS April 19, 2013 Videos Enjoy a brief break from this horrible week with this adorable yiddish lesson.
“Jewing Down The Price” In The Oklahoma State House RSS April 18, 2013 Politics 24 Oklahoma State Representative Dennis Johnson (R-50th District) thinks the free market means people might "Jew [him] down." but "that's fine!"
Happy 75th Birthday To Krypton’s Most Famous Jew RSS April 18, 2013 Comics 2 On April 18th 1938, Superman made his debut in ACTION COMICS #1. Now, 75 years later, we still need him .
Anne Frank Responds To Justin Bieber RSS April 17, 2013 Culture, Internet, Videos 13 Wondering what Anne Frank would have thought about Justin Bieber? Here's Anne, herself, with the answer.
Pink Floyd Frontman’s Israel Boycott Flip-Flop? RSS April 17, 2013 Israel, Music 2 Pink Floyd's Roger Waters, a longtime advocate of boycotting Israel, signals a willingness to reconsider his stance.
Round Trip Radio For Israel’s Independence Day RSS April 16, 2013 Culture, Israel, Music A funky birthday mix for Israel's 65th birthday, thanks to our friends at Round Trip Radio.
Old Man Kvetching At Subway Performer Is The Most New York Thing Ever RSS April 15, 2013 Culture, Videos 2 One aggravated subway rider offers a crash-course in "Grouchy Old Jewish Man 101"
Remembering Joey, 12 14 Years Later RSS April 15, 2013 Music 3 Jeffry Ross Hyman - known to most as Joey Ramone - died 12 14 years ago, today. We still miss him.
Bieber’s Anne Frank Takeaway: “Hopefully She Would’ve Been A Belieber” RSS April 14, 2013 Culture, Music, News 5 Pop superstar Justin Bieber made waves when he visited the Anne Frank House and Museum over the weekend.