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In Defense of Courtney Love

On Friday, Page Six ran an item on our recent interview with Courtney Love and focused on her purported "anti-Semitic ravings." The evidence? A line half-way through the 5,550 word piece in which she ...
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Brooklyn In a Bottle

The last time I checked, the smells coming out of the borough of Brooklyn weren't anything that I'd want to bottle and wear on my person. There's Park Slope, which often exudes the sweet smell of baby powder, a...
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Culturally Insensitive To the Last Drop

So apparently coffee company Tchibo and gas company Esso were running an ad campaign in Germany in which their slogan ("Jedem den Seinen") was pretty much the same as the words adorning a concentratio...
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Public Stoning?

Oliver Stone was recently spotted playing soccer and chewing coca leaves with President Evo Morales of Bolivia. Papers speculate that Stone's trip to the foreign land could be connected to upcoming documentary ...
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Who Is Ari Brouillette?

Ari Brouillette--if that's even his real name--writes amazingly hilarious bogus reviews on _Amazon.com_. According to his Amazon profile, Brouilette has been f-ing with Amazon customers for over five years now...
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Civil Divorce

In a move eagerly awaited by embarrassed advocates of intermarriage, Blake Civil-Fielder (aka, The British K-Fed) announced that he would be divorcing Amy Winehouse, allegedly due to her adultery. Jewdar prays...
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Only in Alaska

Betcha didn't know that Alaska has the highest per capita sex offences in the country. In a twist of irony, one of the many convicted Alaskan sex offenders won a $500 000 lottery over the weekend. What's more i...
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Consumerism for Change?

As the economy sinks slowly down the tubes, one man proving to be recession-proof is Shepard Fairey. The New York Times reports that the street artist, whose first project involved infiltrating city streets wit...
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That’s So Eno

All right, we admit, we're always pleased when a celebrity says something nice about Israel, but can the rest of them please shut up, already? I mean, if Bono doesn't condemn Israel, what makes you think you ca...