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Goldman Globes?

There wereminimal surprises at last night's 66th Annual Golden Globe Awards. Comeback kid/perennial cokewhore Mickey Rourke snatched up theGlobe for Best Actorin a Drama while theHollywood/Bollywood tour-de-for...
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Don’t Believe in Modern Love

Although many a girl my age pours over the New York Times' "Modern Love" column with rapt interest, the whole concept never really appealed to me. So it was with extreme trepidation that I finally took a look t...
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Loose on the Forty-Deuce

Anyone prove they love Israel by showing up to the Israel Day Parade on a sunny summer day. But several thousand of us who really, really love the Jewish state were out in force on Sunday on 42nd Street, showin...
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That’s Rabbi Oldman To You

With an 11 percent "fresh rating" on Rotten Tomatoes, The Unborn, David S. Goyer's horror flick loosely-based in Jewish mysticism, is by all accounts a cinematic abortion.Apparently, the story revolve...
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UK Celebrity Terror Watch

Reports emerged yesterday alleging Amy Winehouse and Mark Ronson have been added to a "terror target" hit list made in reaction to the current conflict in the Gaza region. The online forum Ummah is ci...
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The Man Who Fell to Earth 62 Years Ago

Happy Birthday David Bowie!As a six-year-old child I harbored a deep, soulful love for the Thin White Duke--a love that worried my teachers and baffled my classmates. (I think I was supposed to be into JTT or s...
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Obama “Just Too Good”

I smell a coverup. The Chicago Tribune recently blew the lid off of the suppression of a 2001 episode of Chicago restaurant review show "Check, Please!" featuring none other than OUR FUTURE PRESIDENT...
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The Secret Life of (Cokehead) Bees

MacquarieUniversity in Australiais testing the effects of cocaine on--get this--bees. Apparently,coked-up bees react similarly to humans--i.e., things that are midly entertainly suddenly become super-exciting (...
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_Heeb_ Presents:

Obey "God," Kill Ginsberg You inch closer to Ginsburg with the pillow. She's sleeping like a baby. Just as you're about cover her face, she's awakened by a commercial for Carnival Cruise. Her eyes widen at t...
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_Heeb_ Presents:

Stand Up to Cheney Cheney's crooked, maniacal grin shifts ever so slightly into a crooked, maniacal scowl. "Uh-oh," he says. "Looks like I'm about to have another unfortunate hunting accident." Ill...
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_Heeb_ Presents:

Don't Pardon Abramoff No matter how tempting the proposition is, you tell Abramoff that you're going to have to pass on the library. Abramoff looks a bit more frail than usual, so you invite him to join you ...