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The Economy for the Rest of Us

We've come to his rescue before, but WTF Salkin?Heeb contributor, New York Times writer, Seinfeld exploiter and Lisa Loeb dumpee Allen Salkin has written an article, which is currently the most read on The New ...
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_Che_: The _Heeb_ Review

by Jed Oelbaum Ernesto Guevara, doctor, Jedi freedom fighter, popular T-shirt design and the subject of Steven Soderbergh's fawning four and a half hour Che, was executed in Bolivia, already beaten down by the ...
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By the Rivers of Blah-Bylon

Matisyahu, a sub-Weird Al novelty music act, has begun his eight-part series of Chanukkah shows here in NYC. The series is called the "Festival of Lights," and each night of the holiday, he will perfo...
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Fun With Yiddish

Though the debate rages as to whether it contributed to the etymology of the phrase "tushy-shtupp," Yiddish, as far as I've been able to tell, is the funniest language out there.Thanks to blissful ig...
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Jewish Gigolo Blackmails BMW Heiress

Hahahaha. So Susanne Klatten, Germany's richest woman, and BMW heiress, has been caught in an intricate blackmail scheme, complete with sex tapes, buried money, a gigolo named Helg Sgarbi and a supposed interge...
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Stupid Show Offends People in Belgium

Plat Prefere, a Belgian cooking showthat highlights the favorite meals of the famous and dead, had to cancel an episode in which Hitler's preferred trout recipe was prepared athis Kehlsteinhaus, or Eagle's Nest...