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The Gold Standard

He's on America's hottest television series and is increasingly becoming one of Hollywood's biggest comic stars. Now he's playing a father obsessed with giving his son the most spectacular bar mitzvah in history. Malina Saval sits down with Entourage's Jeremy Piven.
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Merchants of Menace

While Jews are, of course, well-known for being good with money, that does not mean that Jews with money are well-known for being good. In this history lesson with David Deutsch you'll learn that, unfortunately, sometimes Yids do the darndest things.
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Bigmouth Strikes Again: An Oral Report

The Jewish woman's mouth has been an object of fascination in the American mind: from Sophie Tucker to Bette Midler. Nowadays, that fascination has taken a surprising turn. Rachel Shukert searches for answers in a story that is sure to make you want to gag.
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Between Us

Nancy Schwartzman went to Jerusalem in 2000 to make a film about the Millennium and was raped. But when she returned to America, she realized her ordeal was just beginning. Heeb's senior editor tells a true story of hope, adversity and restoration.
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Fetish Party

In the 1990s, Naomi Wolf brought sexiness to the feminist project, arguing that a woman's desire to be beautiful was keeping her down. In this interview with Ilana Arazie, she deconstructs the Jewish desire for communal purity.
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Cut-up Artist

Short of dumping Jimmy Kimmel, there's nothing that comedienne Sarah Silverman could do to make us happier than gracing the cover of our first Sex Issue. Rob Feld talks to the star of the must-see feature film _Jesus is Magic_.
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*Aries (March 21-April 19)* Starting in early October, every lawyer in New York whose name ends in a four-letter combination like "baum" will be tanned and rested from Easthampton, ready to both help and hinder...
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*Chai-klops:* By the time you read this someone out there will be the proud owner of a piece of Jewish history: the eye patch of sabra, superstud *Moshe Dayan*, who lost his eye—one of only two in the original...

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