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Shabbos Goys Need Not Apply

Leave it to the chosen people to find the loophole. The good people at the Zomet Institute are hard at work creating new Rube Goldberg worthy gadgets to help cheat the Sabbath, and are making a pretty penny doi...
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Jewdar has just returned from a week in the Heartland, where Americans of all races, ages and genders are swooning over the bronzed icon who inspires them to think of better days and of an America that they can...
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Eight Left Feet

Jews haven't been able to make a name for themselves in the glitzy world of dance since the early days of the "Straight Up" dancer-singer-choreographer cum TV judge, crazy lady, and QVC maven. The '80s pop star...
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Hamlet 2: The _Heeb_ Review

by Sabrina JasziIt's common enough for Hollywood films to totter precariously on the dubious virtues of a single big star, stellar special effects or a behind-the-scenes genius, often with mediocre results. Bu...
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Bark Mitzvah Boy

There's nothing like a cute video of a dog having a $10,000 Bark Mitzvah thrown by his "owner" to take my mind off the fact that I'm several hundred dollars short for my upcoming rent.By my calculations a dog c...
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Bubbies for Obama

With the Democratic National Convention underway, it was only a matter of time before the Obama dissing South Florida bubbies were going to hear it from their liberal Manhattan children and grandchildren. Enter...
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Franco My Dear, I Don’t Give a Damn

So, I just saw Pineapple Express with a group of female friends, and we all swooned over James Franco. Because, apparently, we all like slackers who smoke a lot of pot. That's right Mom and Dad-- not only have ...
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Robert Rhine: The _Heeb_ Interview

Zany absurdist magazines come and go, but you never hear of one in which one of the financial backers was actually killed by a grizzly bear leaving the surviving partner to handle the fortune and glory of a com...
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_Z Rock_: The _Heeb_ Review

By Julia YoungZ-Rock (IFCTV's new series airing Sunday) follows ZO2, a real-life Brooklyn band that starts playing children's birthday parties for cash. Unfortunately, ZO2 spends half the time of the part-impro...
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Wack Job

Last week, actor Ernest Borgnine confessed to Fox News that he chronically spanks his monkey -- information that would have been useful to me before my bare hands touched the very questionairre that his sticky ...
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Play It Again, Janez

In Slovenia, current Prime Minister Janez Jansa cracked a Woody Allen joke to outsmart his rivals in their upcoming election. Convinced the opposition party's candidates invent their solutions before presenting...