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For information on advertising with please email us at [email protected]. Heeb Media specializes in the creation of multimedia branding campaigns. Since its first publication, Heeb has be...
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Nazi Punk Dress Up

Bomber jackets and combat boots are so 1997. In true late-‘90s teen movie fashion, Germany's modern day neo-Nazi has gotten a makeover, emerging more stylish than ever and harder to spot. Because the law crac...
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This Just in: Sex Man is Not Jewish

Apparently, viewers have been giving the Canadian YouTuber some grief over his questionable heritage, many of which think the pube is a fellow bagel chomper. (Why I cannot imagine.) "I'm just a white guy, pl...
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Matzah Machine Music

It's Pesach season, and NPR has taken its dispassionate, muti-culti curiosity to the Matzah factory. The piece explains the making of the most bubonic chronic matzah of all, shmura matzah, which takes normal ma...
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Jerry Seinfeld’s Marriage Wreck

Jewdar knew it was was going to be awful, but we had no clue just how awful. The Marriage Ref, NBC's new Jerry Seinfeld produced show that replaced the Jay Leno primetime fiasco, is the kind of disaster that us...
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“The Jew Kickin'”

So there's this guy on YouTube who posts his moments of Grand Theft Auto IV rage, in particular when his thug protagonist bludgeons the living hell out of Hasids. Titled "The Jew Kickin'," the series is accompa...
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Jews on Craigslist

Jewish schmuck seeks same, sans-peen - 28 (NYC): "To save time for 99% of you, i'm not tall or rich." (NY) SEEKING JILF* (*Jewess I'd Like to F---): "And of course when I say F---, I mean F--- ...