We know that for a certain generation of young Jewish men, Ms. Portman was the n'est plus ultra of Jewish sex symbols. But retiring to be a stay at home mom? That's just too much!
There is a token popular Jew in every cultural field. There's Author Jew, Movie Jew, Music Jew, TV Jew. They have their place, somewhere between non-threatening folklore and bittersweet nostalgia.
It’s an unpredictable twist, bubbelah. That you will find images of these curly-haired, big-nosed women getting humped (and kind of hackneyedly complaining about it) the ultimate object of erotic devastation.
Behold Fat Jew as he crashes a Heeb editorial meeting, gets all up on Editor-in-Chief Erin Hershberg while the rest of us cower and hide, confused as all hell.