Tremble Before the Awesome Might of This Tiki-Menorah! Zayin B'Ayin December 7, 2015 Culture, Products, Religion Plus, a step-by-step guide to making your own.
How Much Will Your Bubbe Love These 5 Terrible Hanukkah Parody Songs? Jon D.A. December 7, 2015 Culture, Music, Religion Celebrate the festival of lights by subjecting yourself to this year's inevitable crop of "hilarious" "parodies"
L’Chaim For The Holiday Matthew David Brozik December 6, 2015 Culture, Religion, Shtick 4 Christmas is coming - how will you celebrate?
These Hanukkah “Chocolate Maccabees” Are Really Secret Santas in Tinfoil Disguise! Yo Semite November 11, 2015 Products, Religion 2 Wait a sec...
Oh Good, Michele Bachmann Thinks It’s Time to Start Converting Jews En Masse Yo Semite November 8, 2015 News, Politics, Religion 2 The former Minnesota congresswoman and presidential contender is pretty sure she knows the solution for all our troubles in these difficult times.
Broad City‘s Abbi and Ilana: Jews Just Like Yous (Yom Kippur Edition) Yo Semite September 22, 2015 Culture, Religion, TV Plenty to atone for.
It’s Official: UFO-Worshiping Raëlians Are No Longer Zionists Zayin B'Ayin August 7, 2015 Israel, News, Religion 6 Aliens told them to do it. Seriously.
Go Ahead and Put This Vagina Yarmulke on Your Head Yo Semite July 23, 2015 Products, Religion, Shtick Is that a vagina on your noggin or are you just happy to see me?
Jewish Group Hires Mexican Laborers To Protest NYC’s Pride Parade On Their Behalf … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Zayin B'Ayin June 28, 2015 Culture, Religion 1 According to the anti-gay, Ultra-Orthodox "Jewish Political Action Committee," this year's pride parade was simply NSFJE ("not safe for Jewish eyes")
Look Kids – It’s Pope Paul Barman! RSS June 22, 2015 Music, Religion, Shtick When's the last time you saw the Holy Father spit bars?
Is the World Ready for a Jewish Jenna Jameson? (We Sure Are) Yo Semite June 10, 2015 Culture, Religion 1 If the Porn queen's tweets are any indication, Jenna Jameson is well on her way to kosher livin'.
Saudi Religious Fanatics Ban Women Driv…What’s That? Oh, They’re British Jews. Zayin B'Ayin May 29, 2015 Religion Beep-beep, beep-beep, no.