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Bad News _Heebs_

In a "game": that will surely go down in Jewish history as our biggest loss since the war in Lebanon, the ragtag _Heeb_ softball team fell to the baseball behemoths of "Para...
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No Brainer

We just got this in our inbox: "The Israel Project invites you to a telephone conference call and Q & A with: Mitchell Bard, Ph.D. author of "_The Complete Idiot's Guide to Middle East Conflict_":http://...
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Springtime for Hitler

Some of you might be familiar with the so-called "Jewish fetish for Asians":, but after checking out a tip a reader sent us, "it doesn't appear like the love is mutual.":...
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Not Another Polish Joke

In what appears to be a case of cultural phantom limb syndrome, "Poland is celebrating Jewish culture": this month, minus...
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*If those paparazzi photos from the red carpet are any indication, the rhinestone collar of yesteryear simply won't do it for today's fashion hound… or her dog. To meet a growing need, pet designers are creatin...
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JDate For Sale On Craigslist

If you're interested in testing the waters of online dating but aren't willing to make a big commitment in order to make a commitment, check out "this Craigslist post":
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The Jews Take Manhattan

It's hard to imagine Jews taking over this town, but it looks like it's begun. The _New York Times_ is reporting that "two Israeli companies are buying a building together in Manhattan":
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*Our Krum* We've loved David Krumholtz for years, not just for his stellar work in films like _Ten Things I Hate About You_, but also because with his nose and name, he's living proof that you don't need to fa...