Last week, our fave crazy takes on liberation theology on Tuesday's show. According to Glenn, Jesus would not have liked this theology because he was not a victim and would have totally pounced on the Jews. . ....
In his Tuesday show Howard Stern worries that he might have to provide content for a Heeb profile for Howard 100 News reporter Shuli Egar. Don't worry, Howard, we wouldn't dare even interview him on our blog.
First, mommies hijacked Facebook. Now, the cringing continues as a pudgy, middle-aged Jewish YouTuber (who isn't “Nude Jew Review”’s Baruch Wilentschik) makes the strangest parallel between the BP oil spill and...
With the reemergence of Mel Gibson in public consciousness, it didn't take long for the lulz to come around the bend -- screenshots of his movies with hilarious overlaid text, to be exact.