Don’t get us wrong; Jewdar is accustomed to having our achievements go unrecognized. But even Superman gets a thank you from the people of Metropolis every now and then.
Sure, when the gays said bupkis after virtually single-handedly overturned “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” we were miffed, but hey, they aren’t mishpoche (and we presume that at least they had some really good party to go to). But are we the only ones who noticed that almost immediately after we took umbrage at Miral’s ad campaign, the poster was changed to the one above, from the one below?
…to the one above? So ADL, AJC, AIPAC, anything? Some recognition? Some thanks? Now, maybe you’re thinking that you don’t like this one any better. We could probably do something about it. But honestly, if you’re not going to show Jewdar a little love, you can try and change it on your own.