Sour Kraut

Juergen Gansel, a deputy in the Saxony State Legislature representing Germany’s National Democratic (Neo-Nazi) Party, has been flinging a little shit at the results of the historic 2008 American presidential election.

In his recent press release, "Africa conquers the White House," Juergen asserts that President-Elect Obama and his multi-cultural following seek to demolish a remaining "pure" national culture and remaining "white identity" of the United States.

"Obama fever" which Gansel likened to an "African tropical disease" (Haha) has "swept up" too many in the German Republic and would likely lead to an American "grandiose domestic failure," claims Gansel.

"A non-white America is a declaration of war on all people who believe an organically grown social order based on language and culture, history and heritage to be the essence of humanity," Gansel said.

Sounds vaguely familiar, no? I can’t quite put my finger on who this guy reminds me of.

Not surprisingly, he goes on to credit Obama’s victory to "the American alliance of Jews and Negroes."

Jose Peyes knows that sometimes when that other team won’t shut the fuck up and your guys are ahead, the best way to quiet the opposition is with an old sports quip:


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