I hold no grudge against the anti-Semite, especially after one reporter jabbed at 'em for the "Sugartits" thing during his Edge of Darkness press tour, but this is pretty damn funny....
Either the lyrics are clever enough or Jay-Z's "Empire State of Mind" is undeniably in any parody form or fashion, but this mix put together by YouTube's Rucka Rucka Ali is worth a listen....
With tons of examples, Lewis Black proves that Glenn Beck will compare any person, idea, animal, vegetable or mineral he doesn't like with Hitler. Al Gore, the Peace Corps and much more have all been labeled Nazi by the Fox Mormon who even makes Bill O'Reilly sound like the voice of reason.
It's hardly offensive (or funny), but the fact that the minute-long 'toon ends with a "to be continued" sparks enough interest to see if the questionable SalamtakProductions has anything significant up its slee...
Oh, God, if I have to hear another band introduce a song by saying, "This song is called...'Untitled.'" Like words cannot convey the depths of your emotions—they may have been good enough for Wordsw...
Cabining is like camping, but in little cabins. You separate from nature with paper-thin walls, have somewhere to run to when the animals get aggressive and look like a hero for working the fire pit. ...
Am I seriously standing here on line while you contemplate whether to go with a book of Liberty Bells, American Scientists or Beautiful Blooms? It's a postage stamp, not the name of your next child. I...