I am terribly saddened to report that "the holy union between Laurie and Larry David is over.":http://www.nypost.com/seven/06052007/gossip/pagesix/newly_single_pagesix_.htm/ Page Six asserts that Laurie's fame ...
It's the 40th anniversary of the Six-Day War and "the region has sure come a long way.":http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/05/world/middleeast/05cnd-mideast.html?hp ...
"Matisyahu":http://www.heebmagazine.com/articles/view/58 may be the "King Without A Crown,":http://www.ifilm.com/video/2793533 but "SoCalled,":http://www.heebmagazine.com/articles/view/35 is Jewish pop music's ...
Do you think Ms. Hilton would have "headed to the can two days early":http://www.actressarchives.com/news.php?id=5969 had it not been for Sarah Silverman's shove-off last night at the MTV Movie Awards? Seriousl...
Take a look at "this past Friday's Gallup poll":http://www.galluppoll.com/content/?ci=27739 and you'll find all of the usual Presidential suspects (Romney, Clinton, Obama, Guiliani, McCain) and even some who ha...
"Judd Apatow":http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0031976 's new film _Knocked Up_ opens today and yes, you should be really excited. If you haven't caught one of the 500 reviews of the movie, let me give you a little r...
Hey Paul,
I'm going to be honest with you. I thought you would have been a great Heeb cover. We asked your agent and/or manager about hooking something up and, well, they said you didn't have the time and th...
Today, Slate "discusses":http://www.slate.com/id/2167293/ a new book called _Forbidden Fruit: Sex & Religion in the Lives of American Teenagers_ by Mark Regnerus. Here's my favorite tidbit of reviewer Hanna Ros...
For National Doodle Day (which is February 23rd, in case you were as shocked as I was to learn there was even such a day), Barack Obama agreed to make a drawing for charity. His quickie portraits of Chuck Schum...
Over the past few years, hip hop has become almost synonymous with the name Kanye West. And while watching him on stage or on MTV, you might have wondered to yourself, "Who is that white guy spinning for Kanye?...
Our correspondents in Seattle have recently unearthed the first photos of a bizarre creature spotted deep in the woods of the Pacific Northwest, believed to subsist solely on Manischewitz macaroons and grape ju...
Happy birthday, Bob Dylan. At sixty-six, you're no longer a kid. But at least, you can still have "a special bond with one.":http://www.nypost.com/seven/05032007/gossip/pagesix/easily_scared_pagesix_.htm