Our correspondents in Seattle have recently unearthed the first photos of a bizarre creature spotted deep in the woods of the Pacific Northwest, believed to subsist solely on Manischewitz macaroons and grape juice. This coming weekend, we’ll head to the “Sasquatch Music Fesitval”:http://www.sasquatchfestival.com/ to track it down. We’ll be joined by “Michael Showalter,”:http://www.michaelshowalter.net/ “Mirah,”:http://www.myspace.com/coldcoldwater “Neko Case,”:http://www.nekocase.com/ “Sarah Silverman”:http://www.heebmagazine.com/articles/view/20, our comrades-in-arms at “JDub Records,”:http://www.jdubrecords.org/ and many more.
why must we lament on the style of the past when we can be creating the look of the future? sampling is a half art. hip hop is dead mcfred. how about some real issues too? referencing pop culture may be more played out than buying into pop culture. we nee
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