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The Sex Issue

Slate has published their "Sex Issue": online, the first installment yesterday and the second today. With a slide show of asses, a history of S&M and an explanation for ...
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Cruise Control

When Tom Cruise called "cut" to observe a moment of silence on the first day of shooting Bryan Singer's _Valkyrie_, he didn't expect "an unidentified crew member to cut the cheese":
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Hot Chicks with Douchebags

The strike at General Motors entered its third day. Ahmadinejad vowed to ignore the U.N. in the dispute over his country's nuclear program. "Female ninjas":
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Sikh of it All

The New York City Mayor's Office proclaimed this week "Sikh Heriage Week" to recognize the rich diversity, history and culture of the Sikh people. These are tough times for the Sikhs, who find themselves increa...
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Poison Ivy

We at Jewdar are not among those critical of "Columbia University's": decision to let Iranian President Ahmadin...
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Gossip Grill

Some may poo-poo our review of the CW's new teen angstfest, "_Gossip Girl_.": True, many TV critics came out with their reviews even before the show aired, but how many of them ...
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The Chosen Issue

Yom Kippur is just around the corner and, as usual, we have a lot to atone for here at Heeb HQ. But we have absolutely no regrets about our fall edition, the "Chosen Issue":, hitting ...
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The Best of 5767: Television

_As you might've heard, the lunar calendar finished its cycle and the Jewish year 5767 became 5768. We considered fireworks and a night of pick-pocketing in Times Square, but instead we decided to use the oppor...
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The Best of 5767: Books

_As you might've heard, the lunar calendar finished its cycle and the Jewish year 5767 became 5768. We considered fireworks and a night of pick-pocketing in Times Square, but instead we decided to use the oppor...
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The Best of 5767: Film

_As you might've heard, the lunar calendar finished its cycle and the Jewish year 5767 became 5768. We considered fireworks and a night of pick-pocketing in Times Square, but instead we decided to use the oppor...
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The Best of 5767: Comics

_As you might've heard, the lunar calendar finished its cycle and the Jewish year 5767 became 5768. We considered fireworks and a night of pick-pocketing in Times Square, but instead we decided to use the oppor...
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The Best of 5767: Music

_As you might've heard, the lunar calendar finished its cycle and the Jewish year 5767 became 5768. We considered fireworks and a night of pick-pocketing in Times Square, but instead we decided to use the oppor...

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