Hot Chicks with Douchebags

The strike at General Motors entered its third day. Ahmadinejad vowed to ignore the U.N. in the dispute over his country’s nuclear program. “Female ninjas”: continue to terrorize Pennsylvania gas stations. Yet, for some strange reason, it’s the success of “_Good Luck Chuck_,”: the romantic comedy with Jessica Alba and Dane Cook, that has got me all worked up. Despite being “ravaged by critics,”: the Lionsgate film has grossed nearly $15 million since last Friday.

First of all, I now feel about Jessica Alba the same way I feel about a sandwich that has been dropped on the ground for over “five seconds”: Sure, it still looks just fine and there’s probably no legitimate reason for me to think of it as tainted, but geez, the ground?

But even worse, I fear that a successful film with Dane Cook as the leading male could signal the end of the “hot chicks with dorks” narratives that have been gathering credibility these past few years. What if douchebags start getting the hot chick instead of nerdy character actors like Adam Brody, Seth Rogen and Andy Samberg? Let’s face it, when these guys get the hot chick, the culture becomes much more accepting when dorks like me do.

Is the dork still mightier than the douchebag? I hope so. I like living in a world in which “Harold”:,,1539441_1559557_11,00.html and “Kumar”: are sex symbols.

What do you think?

About The Author

The Grand Conspirator

The Grand Conspirator is part of a secret Semitic society that traces its roots to Medieval Salamanca. He will be saying Kaddish for Soupy Sales for the rest of his life.

2 Responses

  1. bigshank2

    comparing jessica alba to a sandwich that fell on the ground? A-MAZING. to be fair, though, it was at one point a really delicious sandwich. maybe a BLT and A? mmm…bacon and avocado. yum.


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