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_Juno_: The _Heeb_ Review

*by Andrew Marantz* I have to confess: when I first saw the trailer for _Juno_, I thought it would be a _Knocked Up_ knock-off. Well, blame that misleading trailer, because _Juno_ is its own movie. And, alth...
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The Grinch Who Stole Hanukkah

In a recent "article in _Slate_": Christopher Hitchens critiques Hannukah and promotes the removal of menorahs from public spaces. According to Hitchens, the holiday that we now ...
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Dances With Wolffs?

According to a recent report by Mental Health America, the nation's least Jewish state is also its happiest. With just "295 Jews":, South Dakot...
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Eat, Drink and be Merry (or Happy)

In our continuing holiday coverage, we look at which "lists": holiday-themed (and egg nog-free) events for...
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The _Heeb_ Holiday Gift Guide

If Hanukkah snuck up on you this year as it did us, you still have a bit of shopping left to do before tomorrow night (!!). But before you rush to the mall, be sure to check out Heeb's official holiday gift gui...
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Latke Lessons

Around this time of the year, kitchen cretins like yours truly tend to whip up latkes from "the same old recipe":, but a wealth of alternatives to t...
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Gawk No More

Earlier today, Gawker's Emily Gould, editor of the site and a _Heeb_ 100 "member":, "quit":
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Pope Impious

_PulpHope_ (AdHouse Books, 2007), modern mythmaker and comic-art giant Paul Pope's new 250-page graphic monograph is part autobiography, part retrospective and part pornographic sketchbook. The oversized volume...
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On to the Next Holiday…

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. Just in case you're not quite ready to move on to the next holiday (which begins next week!), here's an "interview":

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