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Not For the Teacher

Last week, The Howard Stern Show held an "Ugliest Guy, Hottest Wife" contest in which three couples competed for a $5,000 prize. Connecticut school teacher Marie Jarry (and her worse half) took home t...
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Method to Their Madness

Negotiations between the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) temporarily ended on Wednesday when AMPTP representatives walked, significantly lowering th...
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High School Bake Sale

It's no longer April, but it's still 420. Or at least it is for 17-year old Austinite Heather McCurry who sold pot brownies to schoolmates this week for just $4 a piece. A shame that the fuzz charged her with a...
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Feeling a Draft

On this Israeliest of days, we're delighted by news that love of Zion is not dead, even if it at times needs a threat of a boycott to express itself. Israeli Ubermodel Bar Refaeli has become Israel's newest &q...
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The ex-Eastern Bloc is a sort of a bizarro universe. It hasn't quite lost that lovin' Soviet feeling, but it has adapted in significant ways to the Western world. Every once in a while, though, there's a nice l...
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Isn’t It Ironic?

Scarlett Johansson confirmed her engagement to Ryan "Van Wilder" Reynolds yesterday. Reynolds dumped his former fiance, Alanis Morissette, for Scarlett in February 2007, coincidentally around the same...
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Mork Calling Friedman

It seems that comic and Heeb Storytelling-alum Jena Friedman has found a new fan in Robin Williams. The 50-something-year old funnyman saw Friedman perform last Friday and Saturday nights before performing at h...
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Deep Doo-Doo

Apparently Nick Paumgarten's story in The New Yorker last month about Manhattanite Nicholas White's getting stuck in a Midtown elevator for 41 hours sparked quite a bit of interest from readers. In response, th...
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Schein Language

Last week's Forward had a story chronicling the animal rights work of Hannah and Philip Schein, PETA employees who met at a Hillel in the late 90s. Apparently, the two have found a niche investigating kosher sl...
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Greedy wi-fi owners got you down? Well, the good people at Lifehacker will show you how to level the playing field versus Barnes & Noble and Starbucks. Essentially the technique tricks the host network int...
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A Bouncing Baby Boy!

For those of you who consider circumcising babies to be a barbaric practice, what are your thoughts on baby dropping?Apparently, these folks in western India have been practicing the ritual for more than 500 ye...

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