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Ruthann Friedman: The _Heeb_ Interview

One of the great things about setting up Diamond Days, is that I get a chance to put together an entire weekend of music that I genuinely want to hear together. Some of the artists have been playing for years,...
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Where the Hose At?

While the rest of the world bitches about high gas prices or rakes in money off $135/barrel oil, Israel has quietly positioned itself to be the king of the next resource shortage: water. Living in the desert ...
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_Gov Love_: The _Heeb_ Review

Mom, I would really appreciate it if you NOT read the following post. I love you, but I promise this will not be your cup of tea. Gov Love is Hustler Video's dramatization of the events that befell Eliot Spi...
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Pisa Party

Personally I can't imagine anyone going to the trouble of constructing 12,000 pieces of Jenga into a Tower of Pisa just to watch it fall to shambles, but I'm glad someone did. ...
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Ilan Hall: The _Heeb_ Interview

By Shira Levine Stephanie Izard made culinary history as the first woman to nab the Top Chef title on Bravo's Season Four finale last night. Last Friday, we caught up withTop Chef's first Jewish winner, Season ...
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Cats with Katz

Semites on Bikes, a Baltimore-based club founded by early-childhood teacher and humane society activist Ken Shapiro has only the best of intentions. Unfortunately, Shaprio and Co. have created a calendar called...
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Mommy Dearest

Are you a single man under constant pressure from you mother to find a nice girl and settle down? A man who also operates under the narcissistic delusion that if someone would just give you a shot you could mak...
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Obama Hussein at it Again

Fox News anchor E.D. Hill called Obama's fist-bump to his wife a "terrorist fist jab." She even had a body language specialist analyze the "innapropriate" gesture. Come on E.D., get with the...
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It Takes a Vodka

Now that Hillary's officially out of the race, she has a lot to drink about. Svedka has offered her an endless supply of vodka for the remainder of the election season. What's next? Joe Francis offering Hildog ...

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