Epic Trip

Testament, by media theorist and culture critic Doug Rushkoff and Liam Sharp, is serialized as a monthly comic book from DC/Vertigo and then collected into a graphic novel every five or six issues — Testame...
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You Say Tomato

_New York_ Magazine features an interview with Jason Wishnow, director of a vegetarian version of _Oedipus_ (which screened at the "Second _Heeb_ Film Festival":http://heebish.com/galleries/view/2 this past Nov...
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Boiling Point

I was on the Indonesian island of Flores, famous for its multicolored volcanic lakes, and I came across a bunch of backpackers talking to a restaurant owner about the possibility of him roasting them a dog for ...
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Our Stomachs, Ourselves

"Krazy" Kevin Lipsitz once knew what victory tasted like: kosher pickles. Six years ago, the magazine subscription manager from Staten Island took first place in the Carnegie Deli Annual Pickle Eating Contest b...
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*Be My Guest:* We found ourselves on an express train to Thrillsville when we learned that not only is *Christopher Guest* in post-production on a new film, _For Your Consideration_, but that the plot revolves...
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Let Them Eat Haute

In today's "_Slate_ profile of Tim and Nina Zagat,":http://www.slate.com/id/2158320/ Tim explains why he entrusts Zagat ratings to the uncouth masses instead of a trained food critic. "I would replace Einstein ...
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Between Us

Nancy Schwartzman went to Jerusalem in 2000 to make a film about the Millennium and was raped. But when she returned to America, she realized her ordeal was just beginning. Heeb's senior editor tells a true story of hope, adversity and restoration.
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*Aries (March 21-April 19)* Starting in early October, every lawyer in New York whose name ends in a four-letter combination like "baum" will be tanned and rested from Easthampton, ready to both help and hinder...