Link Round Up

Do I Look More Attractive Next to this Near-Naked Girl? (Viceland)Kanye West Acts Like a Butthole at The VMAs… Again (Screen Junkies)

Pac-Man Rap (Yes But No But Yes)

Who Wore it Better…Pink or Shakira? (Seriously? OMG! WTF?)

Like the Energizer Bunny, Only Bitchier (Agent Bedhead)

Mad Men Spoof Starring NKOTB Joey McIntyre: What if Sterling-Cooper was Based Out of Beantown and Run by a Bunch of Massholes? (The Daily What)

Ten Most Ridiculous Romance Novel Titles (Whip It Out Comedy)

Tupac – “The LostInterview” (Flisted)

What do you think?

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11 Responses

  1. minilap01

    Kanye West is a butt hole. The bad thing is we create these arrogant so and so’s by buying everything they make. These stars know the public hates arrogance and pomp. We made you Kanye and we can take you down, we’ll just stop buying your raggedy music

  2. Puck

    In Kanye’s defence, Swift is a talentless ho who’s little more than a record company puppet being told what to think, wear, sing and feel.
    The real joke here is that none of these ‘stars’ had anything to do with directing or producing the video, in Swift

  3. iconic

    During Pres.Obama’s major health care address to Congress last week, Rep. Joe Wilson R.(SC) shouted, ” You Lie.”
    At the VMAs, Kanye West let it all out…
    IMO,both have something to do with race…

  4. Puck

    Hmmm…Kanye (I think) was simply pointing out that Taylor Swift is shithouse…if she were black…she’d still be shithouse (but it’s likely her puppet masters at the record company would’ve marketed her as something other than a white bread country star

  5. iconic

    Obama may have told a lie….and Taylor Swift may be a record company puppet (but she is a whiter one than Beyonce.)
    That being said, the rants came from a guy who has, in the past, made racist remarks…and a guy who led a campaign to hang the Confed

  6. Puck

    The Confederate flag?
    I take it back…the guy’s a tool.
    Having said that, the Obama lustre is starting to wear thin real fast.

  7. snuffweedbooze

    I have an idea.
    Let’s pack Kanye in a box and send him sea-mail to Australia.
    By the time he gets there it will be Channukah and Puck will have the greatest holiday season ever. Why? Because we’re sending him to her address!
    I’m kidding. Please don’t send

  8. Puck

    I don’t know why you’d assume I’m a woman…well…apart from the bitchy thing. I would love to have Kanye over for Channukah :P
    Obama on the other hand, you may keep…we have enough dodgy politicians here already *coughRuddcough*

  9. iconic

    ” the Obama lustre is starting to wear thin” … Agree, Puck.
    ….Betcha Sarah Palin is licking her chops.

  10. iconic

    Palin, with her Russians and dead moose… did manage to jumpstart SNL…. I guess that counts for something.


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