Brothers in the Struggle

Israel and Mexico are not two countries whose names one automatically links together, but a recent Rasmussen poll suggests that Americans feel the same way about the two. According to the stats, Israel and Mexico tied for third (behind Canada and Britain) with 59 percent of Americans saying that the U.S. should defend the countries in case of an attack. Even better, another poll suggests that 70 percent of Americans see Israel as an ally, putting it right behind Britain and Canada. So while we’re happy to share the spotlight with Mexico, it’s still nice to know that if things did go down between the Chosen and La Raza, we could probably count on the U.S. to have our back.

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About The Author


The Tel Aviv-born, Milwaukee-bred Jewdar has a bachelors' from the University of Wisconsin, a Masters from NYU, and an Honorable Discharge from the US Army, where he spent two years as an infantryman in the 101st Airborne Division. He's the co-author of "The Big Book of Jewish Conspiracies", the Humor Editor of Heeb Magazine, and a watcher of TV. Smarter than most funny people, funnier than most smart people, he lives on the Lower East Side with his wife and two sons.

One Response

  1. snuffweedbooze

    Until the Israelis can make a kick-ass Salsa that sells for pennies on the dollar for a half gallon at Costco, I say Americans should get behind Mexico.


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