
Like most human beings, we know you are always eager to hear the latest about one or more of the Two Coreys. This just in (well, a few days ago): According to Corey Haim, Victoria Beckham was a lousy kisser. One presumes, then, that it was his choice to part ways. There’s now a part of us (granted, small, and we’re not quite sure that it isn’t just gas) that can’t help but feel that Posh married the MIschlinge as a consolation because she couldn’t land the real thing.

What do you think?

About The Author


The Tel Aviv-born, Milwaukee-bred Jewdar has a bachelors' from the University of Wisconsin, a Masters from NYU, and an Honorable Discharge from the US Army, where he spent two years as an infantryman in the 101st Airborne Division. He's the co-author of "The Big Book of Jewish Conspiracies", the Humor Editor of Heeb Magazine, and a watcher of TV. Smarter than most funny people, funnier than most smart people, he lives on the Lower East Side with his wife and two sons.

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