So like Jewdar, you ride your bike to work. You’re already an awesome person, far superior to those who drive, or even take public transit. What could possibly make you better? How about a bike made out of recycled cardboard. “Madness?” you say? “Nobody could be that socially conscious,” you say? Well, an Israeli by the name of Izhar Gafni has come up with just such a bike, and what’s even more remarkable, unlike most bikes you’re likely to find in Whole Foods, this one is cheap, costing 9 bucks to make and selling for under a c-note. The best part is that soon, you’ll be able to quit pretending you like Portlandia; riding a recycled cardboard bike will tell people all they need to know about how awesome you are (but what a dilemma for the Boycott and Divestment crowd).
Would it have to be stored in moth balls ?
This bike evokes my enviro-hipster-jew pride. When is it hitting the market in San Francisco?