HEEB Exclusive: Dick Cavett, Dick Gregory, Joe Franklin & Al Jaffee in a Limo


photo by Marisa Scheinfeld

It started with a friend’s extra-random Facebook status, “Can someone pickup an older celebrity and bring him to Union Square.”

My curiosity was piqued.


art by Noah Van Sciver

As I soon found out, it was civilly disobedient comedian Dick Gregory, and he’d be on his way to join other living legends like uber-smart talk-show host Dick Cavett, the “King of Nostalgia” Joe Franklin and Al Jaffee (MAD Magazine Fold-In and Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions) to record a “Mount Rushmore” sketch for the sci-fi apocalyptic comedy concept album 2776, each playing a U.S. President alongside the ever-saucy Margaret Cho, who had pre-recorded her part as the first queer female Asian American commander-in-chief, I was down.

Conceived and produced by The Levinson Bros & Rob Kutner (Conan O’Brien, The Daily Show, Apocalypse How: Turn the End-Times into the Best of Times!) 2776 is packed with songs and sketches from comedians and musicians like Patton Oswalt, Eugene Mirman, Bobcat Goldthwait, Reggie Watts, Will Forte, Neko Case, Yo La Tango, Aimee Mann, and Robert Smigel. All the proceeds from the album go to OneKid OneWorld to promote education in Kenya and El Salvador.

Not too shabby.

But before calling to offer my escorting services, I thought, “Wait, what if Heeb got a limo instead, and we picked all four funny fellas up, plus Kosher deli!! Nosh and interviews — that’s nice!!” Everyone was game.

So what do you get when you put four legends in a limo? The real joke was the traffic – The worst! But, there are worse things than being trapped for three hours with these extraordinary gentlemen. Everyone was in good “nuttin-you-can-do-about-it” spirits, and what a treat to watch them crack each other up while waxing political, philosophical, scatalogical and then some.

Thanks to our photographer Marisa Scheinfeld (Echoes of the Borscht Belt), here’s a look at our alter kocker party bus excursion through Manhattan traffic, and time in the studio:

What did we gab about? Instead of telling you, we thought you’d enjoy these exclusive video clips;

What is an “Al Jaffee” sandwich?

Dick Cavett, it turns out, doesn’t want to be President

Dick Gregory cracks Dick Cavett up

Dick Cavett & Al Jaffee talk Yiddish

Dick Gregory disses Harry Belafonte

And since we’re approaching the High Holiday season, here’s some bonus Rosh Hashanah “Resolutions and Repentance,” straight from 2776 producer and comedy writer Rob Kutner:

Resolutions: “This year I’m going to spend less time on social media so I’m REALLY cutting back on MySpace and Friendster. I’m going to hit the gym, preferably with my car. I’m going to only upload nude selfies of myself to the Cloud IF it’s integral to the role. And I’m not going to leave up my Chanukah decorations until it’s, like, Tisha B’Av.”

Repenting for: “The sins of gossip, jealousy, and selfishness — otherwise known as “getting ahead in Hollywood.”


If you’re so inclined, you can listen to “Mt. Rushmore” here. And, since 2776 is for such a nice cause and all (educating da yutes) you should buy a copy. Heck, buy two.

What do you think?

4 Responses

  1. Steve

    Wow. Just wow. What an amazing collection of men. Oh, to have lunch at a deli for an hour with these guys.


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