Dress Like A “Jewish Grand Rabbi” Thanks To Walmart

Walmart doesn’t exactly call to mind a paradise of inter-religious understanding. Which is why it’s great to see the oft-derided big-box archetype make such a valiant effort at reaching out to their Jewish clientele.


“Jews”, they’re saying, “We totally get you! You’ve got Rabbis, and you want your kids to dress like ’em!”

And girls? Don’t you worry, Walmart’s got you covered, too.


America, how can you say no to these completely not-shitty costumes? And at such reasonable prices! But, don’t hold your breath for a pint-sized pontiff costume anytime soon – That would be offensive.

H/T frumsatire

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Heeb's Managing Editor knows more about Iggy Pop than you.

10 Responses

  1. AngusTCat

    I live in England and I haven’t been to Walmat since visiting my family in Florida last year.
    Is this for real?

    • RSS

      Why don’t you do your research and check if Walmart sells costumes of any other religions leaders. Actually, let me save you the time – they don’t. Who cares if they MAKE the costumes, if the largest retail chain in the country doesn’t sell it?

  2. Harry

    Your comment, at the end, just seemed a bit sensationalized to me. Perhaps clarity that you are speaking specifically about Walmart – but that is my opinion, ce la vie.

  3. Drew

    FYI, this is not actually being sold by Walmart, it is being sold through Walmart by Wayfair.com

  4. Jeff

    I was waiting for the “Dress Up America Apikorus Costume”, then I realized I already had one.

  5. bob

    Given the nature of Walmart, I doubt that these costumes are aimed at a Jewish audience. They are probably directed at fundamentalist Christians, many of whom have gussied up their services and rituals with faux-Jewish trappings. Very frum…….nu?

  6. The Old Bear

    Walmart, Amazon and others retail this product line from a Brooklyn, NY company “Dress Up America” — which sells a wide range of inexpensive novelty costumes for kids and adults. Something tells me that the Judaica items allow them to diversify their business from peaking only at Halloween by responding to the Purim market. See: http://dressupamerica.com/category/judaica/

    This reminds me of the very ancient two-liner: “The teacher asked Marvin, the son of a garment manufacturer, to name the four seasons. Marvin thought for a moment and replied, “Teacher, I can only name two: busy and slack.”

  7. Cindala

    I have such mixed feelings about this! Have you seen the High Priest costume too? In a way I guess it’s as OK as dressing up like a nun or a priest, or perhaps as politically correct as dressing like an Arab, an Indian or an Indian (er Native American) chief. But ironically these are marketed as “Halloween Costumes”, i.e., celebrating a pagan/Christian (All Saints Day)/Wiccan holiday which an Orthodox Jewish child wouldn’t be participating in. And somehow I doubt that most Jews celebrating Purim would be ordering these for their kids from Walmart, hehehe.

  8. Gordon Nash

    Harry if you actually read the things you linked to you’d see they are totally different. The first are biblical costumes and the second is someone’s homemade costume, not something sold in a major retailer. If Walmart had a pope costume that would be different but notice that they don’t.


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