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Bad Dog

The "Shawarma King" kosher eatery in Borough Park, Brooklyn was the site of a near riot when a non-kosher hot dog was almost served, causing the proprietor to have to fight off angry costumers with and electri...
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Just One Night

Getting groupies is not hard, but it is a nuanced game—somewhere between charades, capture the flag and drunken strip chess: It's fun, but you could get hurt and break your dick. Navigating this world of groupi...
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Gimme Shelter

Nearly every morning, California filmmaker Laura Bialis and the rest of Sderot's residents wake to a female voice chanting, "Tzeva adom." The words echo through the streets as the inhabitants of the small Israe...
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Warm Lobster Salad

We Are the Fury's percussionist Stephan Lublin quit touring with the band to work with a new kind of drumstick; he now attends culinary school in Paris and blogs at Here's one of his fa...
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50 Cent: Blood in the Sand

On the surface, and even at its core, the latest videogame from 50 Cent is nothing short of a self-serving boner jam of big guns, fast cars and masculinity at its most moronic—and that's exactly why you should ...
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Me So Normal

What happens when a hip-hop svengali notorious for his sexual exploits and raunchy musical stylings finally ties the knot? Well, if you're Luther "Uncle Luke" Campbell, the 2 Live Crew ringleader responsible fo...
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The Six-Year Itch

If he didn't have his latest album as hard evidence, the affable DJ, producer, composer, and remixer Sam Spiegel (a.k.a. Squeak E. Clean) might sound a bit delusional when he tells me how jam-packed with top ar...
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Jerry Heller

Jerry Heller is the business mastermind behind the second great paradigm shift in modern pop music. In 1967, it was the Beatles album Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band that defined the rock music era. In 19...
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Adult Nights

Seth Pitman, Wild Light's keyboardist and backup vocalist, tells me the story of the highly noticeable Star of David dangling around his neck. "An Israeli soldier gave me the necklace, and I've worn it pretty m...
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Bound but Not Gagged

"Ellen or Rosie and I have nothing in common; they're old-school joke tellers," says Sandra Bernhard. "My act is more akin to burlesque-rock 'n' roll-cabaret. If I don't get my audience turned on, then I'm not ...

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