Beckett, Schmeckett. Waiting For Godot Goes Yiddish

My knowledge of Yiddish pretty much begins and ends with the few curses and vulgarities my grandmother taught me when she thought my parents weren’t paying attention. It’s more than enough to get me through most Mel Brooks films no sweat, but absurdist theater might be a tough. Fortunately, the New Yiddish Rep theatre company promises English supertitles for their upcoming world premier Yiddish production of Waiting For Godot. 

As reported on Friday morning by Jewschool, the New Yiddish Rep is currently raising funds for their planned September staging of Samuel Beckett’s tragicomedic masterpiece. Why a Yiddish version of Waiting For Godot? Because, as NYR actor Shane Baker points out: “Who’s better at waiting than the Jews?” 

Here’s their promo video:

It looks as if they’re still raising funds for the production. If you’re so inclined, you can head over to their indiegogo page and toss ’em a few bucks. What’re you (*ahem*) waiting for?

[via Jewschool, h/t @Dlevy]

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