Wacky Mormons Love to Baptize Dead Jews

The controversy over LDS posthumousbaptisms continues. See, the Mormons have this thing in which they offer salvation to the dead by performing rites that "baptize" them in absentia, giving even us backward Jews a glimpse at heaven.Thanks, guys!

All kinds of celebrity figures, including Adolf Hitler and Irving Berlin, have beenincluded in these rituals,as well as the ancestors of Mormon converts, and muy controversially,many victims of the Holocaust. Starting in 1995, Jewish groups began meeting with theLDS, attempting to explain why the practice was offensive to them. They attempted to communicate that thesepeople diedas a result oftheir identity as Jews, andthat the practice tarnished the memory of what they died for and what their deaths mean.

Last Monday, Ernest Michel, honorary chairman of the (deep breath) American Gathering of Holocaust Survivors and their Descendants, walked out of negotiations with the LDS,charging that the Mormons were not doing enough to prevent this continuing practice. Meanwhile, William Tumpowsky, the head of Utah’s UJF, is determined to makethis shit work, and will continue discussions.

The truly amazing part of the whole thing is that after 13 years of discussion, the two groups have achieved a level of communication approaching zero. The LDS representatives and many Mormon people (check thecommentsunder Deseret News’ coverage)still seem to have no idea why this is offensive to Jewish people. They justcan’t understand why, if the survivor groups do not believe in their religion, they would care.(Yeah, why?) And also, they don’t get why Jews don’t appreciate that they are doing it out of LOVE for our dead. Urm.

The AGHSD, (easier) the Simon Wiesenthal Center, (fun fact: Wiesenthal himself, apparently was vicariously baptized after his death)and other groups that protest the practice,make a lot of demands, and do things like walk out of meetings, and yell at the nice Mormons, who smile at them and then turn and whisper to each other: "Do you know what he’s talking about?" The LDS reps claim that they have already removed over 200,000Holocaust victims from their roles, and just can’t get why these good Jewish folk are so durned angry. And on it goes.

AP’s coverage here.

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2 Responses

  1. yitzy333

    I don’t mind if they posthumously baptize Jews, as they long as they don’t mind if we posthumously circumcise Mormons.


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