The presidency of the state of Israel is, for the most part, an honorific position, lacking much of the executive authority vested that country’s Prime Minister. That said, its role in still a tremendously important one in Israeli society where it serves as a sort of national figurehead and rallying point. The position is currently occupied by Shimon Peres who, at the age of 90, is the world’s oldest living head of state, and is the last remaining member of Israel’s old guard of founding fathers. He also made this amazing, totally insane, video a few years back:
Now, as Israel sweeps up the confetti from its recent 66th birthday, it beings to look to the future – one in which, for the first time since 1948, none of that country’s founders will have an active role in governing. It is, instead, a future perhaps best represented by an eco-pioneer and human rights advocate. At least, that’s what Yossi Abramowitz, green-tech innovator and uber-philanthropist, would have the Israeli public believe after he announced this week that he’s throwing his hat into the ring for Peres’ current position.
Reports Israeli daily Ha’aretz:
Abramowitz, 50, was born in the United States and immigrated to Israel in 2006. He said in a press release that he had discussed his platform with many Knesset members and “hoped to receive the signatures of MKs from Yesh Atid and other pluralistic parties.”
Israeli presidential candidates need the signatures of at least 10 MKs before they can officially file their candidacies.
In 2012, he was named as one of six global Green Pioneers by CNN for his work bringing solar energy to Israel and the rest of the world.
“We need a president with the necessary innovativeness and flexibility to meet the anticipated challenges,” Abramowitz said in his press release.” Presidential candidates can instil hope in the younger generation, which is crying out for social hope and economic stability.
Now, why – and I’m speaking to everyone except the one or two of you who really care about internal Israeli politics – give a shit about an eco-gazillionaire running for a largely symbolic position? Because, this particular eco-gazillionaire happens to be Sarah Silverman’s brother-in-law (he also happens to be married to Rabbi Susan Silverman, who is fully badass in her own right).
So what happens if he wins?
Picture it: The first (well, okay, technically second) family of Israel, and right there to the left, next to the president and just past the country’s official seal, is Sarah Silverman, no longer the world-famous/class comedienne, but a bona-fide member of Israel’s ruling elite.

Hail to the chief
Would she sing Hatikva, Israel’s national anthem, and if so, from which orifice would she sing? Would she still wear her favorite piece of Christian jewelry? The next time she does her act would she be doing stand up in front of – not “a” brick wall, but – “the” brick wall?
With a Silverman this close to the halls of power, the possibilities are endless.
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