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David and Goliath

Madonna is officially adopting Malawian three-year-old David Banda. The pop diva had been raising Banda for two years in London prior to the official adoption, avoiding the regular 18-24 month Malawian court ev...
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McCain Dances

Attempting to disassociate himself with uber conservative religious values, John McCain has recently decided to reject an endorsement from Pastor John Hagee, a religious leader who openly said that Hitler was f...
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Nicht Nicht

On the heels of California's getting down with same-sex marriages, comedian Sascha Baron Cohen (as gay fashionista Bruno) decided to go after the Governator himself for the sexy details. Unfortunately, when app...
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Non-Violent Resistance?

The Palestinian News Network has released a non-comprehensive list of twenty options-- "besides surrender"-- that Palestinians can choose from 60 years after Nakba, or the "day of catastrophe.&qu...
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Pigging Out

It's no secret that I'm a fan of the forbidden flesh. Be it in a martini, a video game, or wrapped around deep-fried hot dogs, those wonderful strips of bacon provide a flavor and taste that's damn near erotic...
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Buddy Pick

Handsome Jew-hater Mel Gibson has always had a good eye for picking sidekicks. First there was the Feral Kid. Then there was Danny Glover. And over course, there was his main man, JC. Now it looks like Mad...
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Oh Appease!

Gawker's clip of the week is f-ing hilarious, if you can bear to hear this rightwing douchebag shout the word appeaser a hundred times. Classic. And may we just say, Chris Matthews, welcome back. We were sort o...
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John Mayer is an Asshole

The story is as old as the hills: A giant celebrity plays an asshole version of themselves to show us that they're actually not actually an asshole, but a truly down-to-earth person who hasn't let fame get to...
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Who Are You Looking At, Einstein?

A letter Albert Einstein wrote back in 1954 to philosopher Eric Gutkind is expected to fetch between $12,000 and $16,000 at auction this week. Given that the letter describes Einstein's view that, across the bo...
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Gay Rights or Wrongs?

When it comes to the use of the word "gay" as a generic, high-school put-down for anything sort of bad or annoying, Jewdar feels a bit like a frosted mini-wheat. The adult in us frowns upon homophobia...
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Fallon Gong

In more news about how 2009 will suck a little bit more, Jimmy Fallon held a press conference to talk about how he's taking over for Conan O'Brien next year....