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Gemeralds for sale

Finally. Finally, the government is going to sell me my drug dealer's jewelry. The entire country was just dying to know what happened to the Taz charm necklace that swung so daintily from the neck of my sweet,...
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According to, Rahm Emanuel said "the Republicans can go fuck themselves" right after the 2006 midterm elections. Other factual tidbits (unlike the Chuck Norris site that was popular las...
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Patriot Games

The once perky New England Patriots' cheerleader Caitlin Davis proved to be, well, less perky last week when pictures of the 18 year-old surfaced on her Facebook profile drawing penises, swastikas and the appar...
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Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Phil Spector, the legendary producer behind arguably one of the best Christmas albums of all time, has been said to get violent when drinking. Spector is as famous for his hairpieces as his hits such as "Y...
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Growing Pains

I know this will be a disappontment to many, but this post is not about Tracey Gold. Rather, it's about the curious lunacy which has led many Orthodox Jews to believe that President Elect Obama is the worst thi...
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Obama to Country: “Let’s Hug it Out”

Obama's first pick for his White House staff is uber-yid Rahm Emanuel, a ballet school graduate whose father was a member of a militant Zionist organization and whose brother is the most powerful agent in Holly...
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Dirty Little Pretty Palin

The Republicans are pissing all over Mrs. Palin's burning corpse. With all the delicious gossip pouring out from every orifice of Fox News and Newsweek's tell-all on Palin's shower etiquette, one can't help but...
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Jacobs Wrestling Economy

The fashion world shuddered this week when Men's Vogue announced its absorption into parent magazine, Vogue. Thoughts of Condé Nast staffers stripped of their expense accounts sent a chill throughout the alrea...
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Minority Report

Wasting little time Wednesday, Barack Obama made a first move to assemble his administration, choosing Rahm Emanuel, the current Illinois Congressman to serve as White House Chief of Staff. If 2008 is to be r...
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After dealing with eight years of jealousy, frustration and rage over "Rovian" tactics, allow me this opportunity to coin a new term named after Obama Chief Strategist David Axelrod--"Axelrodian,...