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Indian Furor Over the Fuhrer

We know, it's a week after Hitler's birthday, but hey, we were never good with getting presents in on time. Word on the street in Bombay (we'll call it "Mumbai" when they call their film industry &qu...
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In a New York State of Swine

So according to the acting director of the national Centers for Disease Control, people who live in areas where swine flu has broken out "should avoid kissing each other hello and goodbye." Well, as a resident...
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No huge shocker here, but Lindsay Lohan (still reeling from her awkward breakup with Samantha Ronson) is back hunting for cock. And you'll never guess where she's hunting for it. Okay, maybe since this is _Heeb...
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Postcards From Yo Momma

Heeb Hundred alum Doree Shafrir has been quite the busy lady of late. When not being profiled in the New Yorker (posh!) or the New York Times, she's editing and writing over at the New York Observer and having ...
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Kosher Butchers

James Toback's screenplays trail the depressing lives of an eccentric hit man (Fingers) or excessive gamblers (Black and White, Harvard Man, The Gambler) and capture the stories of the felonious titular subject...
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Chris Verene: The Heeb Interview

By Adam Menceles Chris Verene (far left) is a photographer, musician and self-proclaimed over-educated art professor. He wants to be your wedding photographer and drum teacher. He plays with his wife Ani in ...
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Hey! We Know That F-ing Hipster!

One of my very favorite Tumblrs nowadays is Look At This Fucking Hipster, a blog that shows just that--hipsters being hipsters.While I usually sign on to have a chuckle and drool over the boys in skinny jeans, ...
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Is Asher Roth the Next Eminem?

When Eminem came onto the stage, the world welcomed the lyricist who was able to balance his 8 Mile street cred with witty lyrics that were embraced by both Dr. Dre and the whiteys. But then Em fell off, got fa...
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A _Gossip Girl_ Passover

Last night on Gossip Girl (that's right I watch Gossip Girl, fuck you), we were treated to a fashionably late Passover episode. After watching it, however, I fully realized how lame all the Seders at my aunt an...
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Erik Parker

Stationed in front of a large canvas, holding the tiniest brush I've ever seen, one of Erik Parker's studio assistants paints neon yellow saliva dripping from the mouth of an ornate, psychologically disturbed h...